Penetration Testing

Discover before attackers uncover

Industry Challenges

Threat Awareness

Discover the hidden security flaws, control gaps, and configuration loopholes that can compromise your network systems, cloud, web and mobile applications.

Threat Vector

Have a detailed analysis and report on assets’ vulnerabilities.

Meet Compliance Standards

Achieve compliance with government regulations, control frameworks and certification requirements.

Data Breach

Reduce vulnerability exploitation risks that may lead to data breaches.


Propelex provides Red Team penetration testing services that combine security expert-led operations with automated tools and technologies. Our best-of-both worlds methodology generates outstanding insights and supports the delivery of required security outcomes.

Network & Devices
Penetration Testing

  • External Network
  • Internal Network
  • Wireless Pentest
  • IoT Devices

Cloud Security Testing

  • Internal Cloud Network & Systems
  • External Cloud Services
  • Configuration Reviews
  • Priviledged Access Control
  • Hosting Services (Application, Serverless Hosting and File Storage).

Web Application & Mobile
Penetration Testing

  • Session Management
  • Configuration Management
  • Authentication, Authorization
  • Data Input Validation
  • Web / API

Physical Security Testing

  • Situation Awareness
  • Biometrics
  • Physical Barriers
  • Social Engineering
  • Phishing Campaign
  • Cameras and Sensor
  • Doors and locks

Our Approach


Threat Modeling

Threat Analyze




Threat Modeling

Threat Analyze



Identify organization’s exploitable security vulnerabilities through a systematic process. Understand overall health of your network, application, mobile, cloud & physical controls.

Risk Rating Methodology


Threat Agent Factors
  • Skill Level
  • Motive
  • Opportunity
  • Size


Vulnerability Factors
  • Ease of Discovery
  • Ease of Exploit
  • Awareness
  • Intrusion Detection


Technical Impact Factors
  • Loss of Confidentiality
  • Loss of Integrity
  • Loss of Availability
  • Loss of Accountability


  • Financial Damage
  • Reputation Damage
  • Non-compliance
  • Privacy Violation

Case Studies


Using Propelex’s Red Team pen-testing and remediation services, how a Healthcare administrator was able to discover and mitigate cybersecurity risks…
RPA Startup
Technology startup in the field of Robotic Process Automation partnered with Propelex to assess and secure AWS infrastructure, Apps, Website, IoTs, and SCADA network…
The healthcare insurance provider partnered with Propelex to assess and validate the security for their private cloud, Salesforce, and on-prem infrastructure security…


Let us help you with any inquiry you might have.

What is Penetration Testing and How Does It Work?

Penetration testing is a way to detect and resolve weaknesses within an organization’s information security. The process simulates real-world attacks and attempts by hackers to compromise an organization’s systems. By discovering vulnerabilities and identifying their effects, a company can prevent future breaches and exploitation.

A penetration test can involve testing a network, internal or external application, or website. It can conduct manually or via an automated system. Generally, the process takes one to two weeks.

During the test, a security expert will work on the target computer system or network to identify and evaluate vulnerabilities. The tester may also provide advice on how to remediate the flaws. This allows a decision maker to make a more informed decision about the best course of action for the organization.

Pen tests can do to examine the cybersecurity architecture of a business, or to assess the value of a business’s sensitive data. Ethical hackers, or white hackers, are hire to perform the testing. They often take on the role of an employee or vendor who has compromised in a phishing attack.

In addition to spotting potential risks, a penetration test will also help you determine whether an attacker can remain a persistent presence in your network. Using the results of a penetration test, you can find ways to expel intruders and keep them from gaining access.

Why is Penetration Important?

Performing a penetration test is one of the best ways to protect your organization from hackers. It also helps you understand how secure your IT infrastructure is.

Penetration testing can provide a number of benefits, from finding weak spots in your system to improving your security protocol. This testing can do manually or automated.

Another advantage of performing a penetrative test is that it can help you comply with industry regulations. In fact, penetration testing usually carried out by financial services organizations.

How Frequently Should We Use Penetration Testing Services?

The best way to determine the frequency of your tests is to figure out your company’s risk assessment. Some companies will perform a penetration test once or twice a year. Others may have a more aggressive schedule. There are different rules and regulations for each type of organization.

A thorough security assessment can also help you make informed resource allocations. Whether you’re planning on performing a simple configuration change or a large architectural overhaul, it’s a good idea to conduct a security audit before committing to a costly change.

There are many factors to consider when determining the right time for your pen test. You need to know your resources, your budget, and your current environment.

How Important is the Red Team in Cyber Security?

The Red Team is an important part of any cyber security program. They help to identify vulnerabilities and provide valuable information to improve system and network security.

Red teams use a variety of methods to identify vulnerabilities in your network. These include social engineering, reverse engineering, and penetration testing.

In a well-executed red teaming operation, the organization will take into account the scale of its systems, the threats it faces in particular industries, and how effective its current defenses are. Typically, red teaming exercises involve mapping out assets and processes, as well as exposing weaknesses in infrastructure and workflows.

Recent Case Studies

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Penetration Testing

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