Cloud Platform Security

Protection for all stages of your cloud platforms

Industry Challenges

In-House Security Skills

Lack of staff with skills to manage security for cloud infrastructure and applications.

API Security Settings

Misconfigurations of cloud and API security settings.

Cloud Applications

Cloud applications being provisioned outside of core IT visibility.

Attack Risk

Advanced threats and attacks against the cloud application provider.

Continuous Compliance

Insufficient resources to maintain regulatory compliance..


Propelex Cloud security service starts from assessment of your current roadmap to building, maintaining, and ensuring a secure platform. We will help you identify, manage, and control overall security architecture including data breaches control, misconfigurations, change control, identity, and access management, API management, insider threat, and cloud usage visibility.

Cloud Platform Gap Assessment

Understand your business functions and assess your cloud environment

Cloud Security Roadmap

Prepare your security roadmap for your cloud

Remediation of gaps from Cloud Experts

Protect and ensure the security gaps are closed

Cloud Platform Gap Assessments

Understand your business functions and assess your cloud environments

Cloud Security Roadmap

Prepare your security roadmap for your cloud

Remediation of gaps from Cloud Experts

Protect and ensure the security gaps are closed

Case Studies



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Is Cloud Storage Safer Than Local Storage?

Cloud storage and local storage both provide you with the ability to store and access your files. But is one safer than the other? Whether you are a business or personal user, you should know the differences.

With cloud storage, your data is store on a remote server. You can access your files from any device. Depending on your provider, you can also create an offsite backup. However, cloud services may suffer from downtime. These down times can cause by server maintenance, similar issues, or other problems.

If you choose to use local storage, you will only have your files on your computer or mobile device. You won’t have a reliable way to share them with others. It is also possible for a hard drive to get damaged or stolen. Despite the risks, you should still keep a backup of your data on a separate physical drive.

In order to ensure that you don’t lose your data, you should backup your files on both a physical hard drive and in the cloud. You should also be sure to use strong passwords to protect your accounts.

While the cloud offers security measures against hackers, it isn’t always completely safe. Hackers can access data if it not encrypted. To prevent this, you should use a good cloud service provider that encrypts your data.

Local storage is less secure than cloud storage, but it does offer some advantages. For instance, it is cheaper than the cloud, and is easy to maintain.

What are the Four Areas of Cloud Security?

The infrastructure layer includes firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and other network controls. These tools provide a foundation for customer security.

Encryption is a popular method for securing data. When data encrypted, it is scramble so that no one else can read it. End-to-end encryption is a good solution for critical data. However, losing the encryption key can make it useless.

Identity management is essential for protecting information. Most cloud service providers rely on encryption, tokenization, and other technologies to secure their customers’ data. Some companies also use multifactor authentication to ensure the identity of their users. Other measures include logging and monitoring changes to data.

A governance program is important to securing cloud environments. This involves creating policies and auditing for compliance. It also means ensuring that there is a single point of accountability.

Data location control is also important. It allows cloud providers to restrict copying and re-use of data. If an attacker can pinpoint the data location, he or she can attack it.

Another practice for securing cloud systems is containerization. When data is store in a container, it is less likely to hacked or infected.

What are the Top Evolving Cyber Security Threats to the Cloud?

One of the biggest threats to cloud security is account takeover. This involves eavesdropping on user activity, manipulating data, and redirecting users to illegitimate websites.

Another common threat is ransomware. Ransomware can lock up a company’s systems until payment made. It can also lead to malicious leaks of sensitive data.

Sophisticated hackers also use social engineering. By phishing for log-in details from employees, attackers can access accounts. In the case of spear phishing, the messages are tailor to make them seem more legitimate.

Aside from the cloud, the Internet of Things (IoT) is also becoming a target. More and more devices, such as smartwatches, wearable fitness trackers, and refrigerators, connected to networks. Many of these devices are insecure.

Security vulnerabilities include weak passwords, lack of encryption, and misconfigured access points. These vulnerabilities can overcome with network security protocols.

There is also the risk of unauthorized data transfers, which can mitigate by using network security protocols. However, this is a challenge for organizations of all sizes.

Another cyber security trend has been the growing number of insider threats. Insiders often misuse their own access to company information. For instance, a malicious insider could cause a data breach by improperly sharing confidential business data.

Companies are also at risk of cloud attacks. Cloud services make it easy for employees to share data, and this increases the attack surface. If an employee accidentally leaks sensitive data, this can be devastating to a company.

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